- Блог (35)
В 2021, С изключение на Индия, Глобалната епидемична обстановка ще се подобри. Студената зима на световната фармацевтична и химическа промишленост е на път да отмине, и глобалните продажби на лидокаин на прах са на път да се подобрят.
Миналата година, Световните търговски спорове се засилиха, разпространението на американския изолационизъм и нарастването на търговските бариери, which exacerbated the difficulty of lidocaine sales in the United States.
North America is our regular sales area in the past few years, accounting for 30% of our sales. Last year’s sales declined very severely.
Обаче, in the first half of this year, our sales picked up again, with a year-on-year increase of more than 60%. This is all due to the control of the global epidemic, although the Indian epidemic still affects the overall situation of the global epidemic.
Another reason for the recovery of lidocaine sales is that Sino-US relations have returned to a normal state. There are still disputes, but compared with the prevalence of isolationism before, it has almost returned to a relatively normal state.
Although July and August are the off-season of lidocaine use, it does not affect the good news of lidocaine sales this year. We believe that the sales of lidocaine will explode in September, Октомври, November and December.