- Блог (35)
Нашата лидокаинова прахообразна лаборатория има пълна серия от съоръжения и Следвайте ISO 9001 стандарти стриктно. Лабораторията за лидокаин на прах има стотици чисти тестове за лидокаин на прах, които се използват за определяне на чистотата на лидокаин на прах, potence and quality of the Lidocaine powder materials and end Lidocaine powder products all of which utilize state of the art equipment which ensures complete accuracy. At any point during production a Lidocaine powder may be tested. If it doesn’t meet regulation standard the batch is immediately withdrawn and in the final stages of production the Lidocaine powder must undergo the final quality control procedures before it may receive the ‘pass’ grading which releases it for sale.
As well as the standard checks the Lidocaine powder tested for heavy metal content. In recent years there has been a significant problem with the underground Factory’s producing poor quality products that are filled with toxic heavy metals. This is because they are no licensed and therefore under no obligation to test for these; when you buy Lidocaine powder products – you pay the price with your health. While the level of heavy metals found in the Lidocaine powder materials may be acceptable, once it has been mixed with other compounds and reactions taken place these levels can change. Lidocaine powder Testing throughout the production process therefore ensures our Factory only ever release the safest and most effective compounds.