- Блог (35)
С ускорения темп на икономическо отваряне, Външната търговия на Китай се е разширила до повече от 230 Държави и региони. И в 2020, Когато световната индустриална икономика е засегната, Индустриалната верига и веригата за доставки на страната ни ще се възстановят бързо, която се превръща в една от важните движещи сили за глобалното икономическо и търговско възстановяване.
In the first five months of 2021, China’s total import and export value was 14.76 trillion RMB, up 28.2% year on year; Among them, the total value of export commodities reached 8.04 trillion RMB, up 30.1% year on year. China’s commodity exports have greatly met the needs of many countries and are becoming the “stabilizer” of global economy and trade.
В 2021, our country’s share in global export trade will increase from nearly 15% да 16.2%, and it will continue to maintain its advantage in export trade.
This year will also be a year when our company’s exports have increased significantly. We believe that there are two reasons for this. On the one hand, the global demand for materials has increased significantly; От друга страна, the prospects for foreign trade are improving. We are also actively embracing the market environment and striving to provide more quality products to our partners.